Artificial copulation ways
The fashion of implanting a cow is a skill taking acceptable knowledge, experience and tolerance. Indecorous AI ways can negate all other sweats to gain generality.
Semen must be deposited within the tract of the cow at the stylish position and at the stylish time to gain respectable generality rates. Beforehand styles of AI involved deposit of the semen in the vagina, as would do in natural lovemaking.
Those styles aren’t satisfactory. Fertility is low and lesser figures of sperm are needed. Another system which gained fashionability was the”speculum” system. This system is fluently learned, but proper cleaning and altering of the outfit is necessary, making it more impracticable to inseminate than with the rectovaginal fashion which is the most extensively used AI system moment.
In the recto-vaginal fashion a sterile, disposable catheter containing the fused semen is fitted into the vagina and also guided into the cervix by means of a gloved hand in the rectum.
The implanting catheter is passed through the helical crowds of the cow’s cervix into the uterus.
Part of the semen is deposited just inside the uterus and the remainder in the cervix as the catheter is withdrawn. Expatriation of the semen should be fulfilled sluggishly and designedly to avoid inordinate sperm losses in the catheter.
The body of the uterus is short; thus, care should be taken not to access too deeply which might beget physical injury. In creatures preliminarily inculcated, the catheter shouldn’t be forced through the cervix since gestation is a possibility. Since exploration data show little variation in generality rates when semen is placed in the cervix, uterine body or uterine cornucopias, some people recommend deficient penetration of the cervical conduit and deposit of semen in the cervix.
The recto-vaginal fashion is more delicate to learn and exercise is essential for respectable proficiency but the advantages make this system of copulation more desirable than other given styles. With practice, the skillful technician soon learns to thread the cervix over the catheter withease.However, there’s little chance of infection being carried from one cow to another, If disposable catheters are used and proper sanitation measures are followed.
Timing of Copulation for Maximum Conception
A frequent question concerning AI is What time during estrus should cows be bred for topmost chance of generality? Since estrus may last from 10 to 25 hours there’s considerable latitude in possible time of copulation. Important exploration work has been conducted on this subject.

Controlled examinations were conducted by Trim Berger and Davis at Nebraska in 1943. These and other studies show that generality rate is lower when cows are bred previous to medial estrus or latterly than 6 hours after conclusion of estrus ( standing heat in this case). Minimal generality is attained when cows are inculcated between medial estrus and the end of standing estrus, with good results up to 6 hours after estrus.
Success in copulation timing is dependent upon a good heat discovery program. In large herds, this means assigning individual responsibility for heat discovery and a uninterrupted education program for labor. A successful heat discovery program and posterior proper timing of copulation will pay tips in adding reproductive effectiveness.
A practical recommendation for timing of copulation
The stylish time for artificial copulation occurs in the last part of heat. It’s thus recommended that cows observed to be on heat in the morning are inculcated in the autumn and cows detected on heat in the autumn be inculcated on the morning of the following day.